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Последний поход хана Кенесары и его гибель — Жанузак Касымбаев

Аты:Последний поход хана Кенесары и его гибель
Автор:Жанузак Касымбаев
Кітап тілі:Орыс

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Страница - 13


The work is devoted to the last stage of anti-colonial war of Kazakh people, led by Kenesary Khan, and presented one of the most complicated and contradicted historical problems in Central Asia.

It is a fact, that as in Soviet time, so in the period of State’s independence nobody researches any reason for displacement of Khan’s troops through Kyrgyz territory, death of Kenesary, his suite and greater part of his army in Tien-Shan mountains.

The monography, written by famous historian Bekhmakhanov E.(Kazakhstan in 20-40th  of the XIX century. Alma-Ata. 1947), was chiefly devoted to the status characteristic in Kazakh Juzes in the first half of the nineteenth century. The last stage ofthe revolt, took place in Semirechye and Northern Kyrgyzia, was slightly reflected in the last part of the book. Some moments of 1837-1847 revolt and Kenesary’s biography was outlined in the monography

“Khan Kenesary”, Almaty, 1993, written by Kasymbaev J. Published in an impressed edition of 30 thousand copies, it is specially investigates, according to recent archival data, many vexed questions, insufficiently explored in our historiography.

The author presents absolutely new work. It has a number of indisputable advantages in comparison with mentioned above, according to more comprehensive scientifically researched last stage of the grandiose rising.

It is the first time to be enlightened in modern Kazakhstan science when such important events as situation in vast region at the eve of Kenesary’s march to Semirechye, recent plans of Russian Military Department, St.Petersburg’s court, Orenburgh and Westem-Syberian Governors for struggle against Kenesary’s army and their ousting beyond Middle and Young Juzes bounds and Semirechye, political situation in the Eldest Juz and South em Kazakhstan in connection with arrival of rebelled auls, analysis of measures, undertaken by Russian government in order to separate joined Kenesary local chingizids, influential biys and foremens, preventive measures for Khan’s isolation. Furthermore, the author analysis situation in Khan’s auls in Semirechye, aggravation of antagonism between his supporters and ardent enemies in the region.

In his book J.Kasymbaev characterizes and critically enlightens factors of relaxation of Kenesary’s influence in the Eldest Juz in coincidence with Russian military and diplomatic tactics.

More over, researcher defines position of Ayaguz, Kokpekty and Karkaraly eldest sultans, adhered the Russian orientation.

The author arguments motifs and main factors for contacts between strategy interests of Russian Empire and local nomadic elite in coordination of joint strengthening for rebel-fighting.

The reader will be interested in original discourse concerning influence of international relations in Central Asia as for insurrection process at the end of the nineteenth century, so as for interrelations between Kazakhstan, Chiva and Bukhara Emirates on the one hand and Qing Empire on the other. Considerable attention is given to Kazakh-Kyrgyz war. According to archival sources and other documentary materials, the author debunks formed in Soviet period opinion on Khan’s activity in Tien-Shan mountains and throws light on objective reasons for armed conflicts of neighbouring Turkic-speaking Kazakh and Kyrgyz peoples.

For the first time it is thoroughly reflected, as far as documents allowed, position of Kyrgyz elite and Kazakh leader at the eve of the final bloody battle and substantiates disadvantageousness of desperate denouemente to any side, which resulted in obtaining Russian Empire strategic preponderance and auspicious conditions for propagating traditional emperial policy “Rule and Divide”. 

Of special interest are author’s suppositions concerning tendencies of international relations in Central Asia in case of Kenesary’s victory or joint resistance of Kazakh and Kyrgyz peoples against military and political aspirations of Russia.

Besides, anyone doesn’t forget the fact that grandiose revolt retarded forcible subjugation of

Uzbek Khanates, Turkmeninan and Tajik nations by Russian Empire for, at least, ten years and formed a real barrier for penetrating colonial state far to Central Asia.

Successful result of Khan Kenesary outlines should change political map of Central Asia — that is author’s principal conclusion.

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